
Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Conflict Denied Ops REVIEW

AHMM While starting with the review ill talk my experience about this game ...ill never forget this ...a wonder full story and alot better FPS graphics...and much much more,,,..

The game follows the travails of special agents Graves and Lang as they attempt to avert all manner of WMDs from being unleashed on the earth at the hands of a Venezuelan dictator. One is black and carries a machine gun and says things like "bro" because he is "hip." The other is white, prefers a sniper rifle and doesn't like his rookie partner. What both of them can agree on is their weapon of choice. They love them so much that they literally can't put them down.

Each mission follows a string of cookie-cutter gameplay concepts. There are explosive barrels everywhere, nuclear or chemical weapons must be disarmed, and the majority of the stages end with a hot LZ (landing zone) that must be cleared before you can exit. The enemy AI is suspect at best, the animations are downright terrible and the dialogue is atrocious. Some bits of the environment are destructible but everything looks so bad that it's hard to care. It begins as a game that feels like a guilty pleasure shooter -- one where you just blow things up and ignore the low production value -- and then takes a nose dive...

If it's possible, things get worse when you venture into the multiplayer "game." Ostensibly it's a game, though that word typically denotes some sort of fun which Conflict: Denied Ops is lacking on all fronts here. There are just three modes (deathmatch, team deathmatch, and conquest), none of which are original in any way other than the fact that, like the campaign, you can't switch weapons. Everyone plays as either Graves or Lang which makes about as much sense as green-lighting this project in the first place. The competitive outing supports up to 16 players (if you can find that many poor saps to play with) and it runs, so there's that I guess.
And in the last illl say that who can a play that game will enjoy till the next game like this came in market hehe :-p

NOW check the screenshots of this game......

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